Immediate Recall
Short-term memory ability is often examined using this procedure: 1) present a set of stimuli, such as numbers or letters for a brief period; 2) a member of the set or a distractor is then presented and the subject is requested to indicate if this stimulus was a member of the set presented immediately before. For example, one trial might include the presentation of the numbers 1-5-2-7-9-3. This number set appears on the screen for a brief time interval, such as five seconds. Following this, the number 3 is presented and the subject is asked to indicate whether this number was in the previous set. The examiner may vary the size of the stimulus set and the delay interval between presentation and testing with the target. The procedure is used to measure the duration and capacity of short-term memory. Also, when the subject is tested over multiple trials, the cumulative score also represents the subjectÕs ability to sustain attention. Immediate Recall enables the user to administer sets of numbers, letters and visual-spatial stimuli using this format. The user has complete control over stimulus type, set size and presentation time.
Price: $39