The Test of Auditory Perception
This program provides the tools to examine auditory perception, auditory neglect and cerebral dominance for auditory information, such as the well-known left hemisphere dominance for language sounds. The program allows the user to perform the standard audiological neglect studies, test auditory acuity for amplitude and pitch using pure tones, perform dichotic listening studies with pure tones and speech, and examine auditory agnosia using environmental sounds. Stimuli include pure tones, displaced numbers, displaced spondaic words and environmental sounds. You have complete control over which type and how many stimuli are presented. You can design your own set or use a standard set that represents a sampling of all the types and formats.
In order to present the sounds, you need a Windows or Macintosh computer with a standard sound card and high-quality headphones. All the sounds are high-quality 44Hz, 16-bit sound samples.
Price: $99
If you would like to find out more about Auditory Perception an Dichotic Listening, check these sources: |
A thorough introduction to hearing, including cognitive studies and dichotic listening |
This book includes an extensive review of neuropsychological tests, including a section on dichotic listening. |
This book reviews a number of tests and includes a section on a dichotic listening test.